This is 100% accurate information and very effective for everyone.


Why has mainland China dramatically reduced the number of people infected in the past few days? In addition to wearing a mask to wash their hands frequently, they simply rinse their mouths three times a day with salt water. When finished, drink warm water slowly for 5 minutes.

為什麼中國大陸過去幾天大大減少了感染人數?除了戴口罩勤洗手外,他們只是簡單地每天漱口3次鹽水。 完成後,慢慢喝溫水5分鐘。

Because the virus can only attack in the throat, and then attack the lungs, when attacked by saline, the virus will die or flow into the stomach and destroy in the stomach, this is the only way to prevent the coronavirus epidemic, there are no drugs on the market, so do not buy. Dr. Wang Shuang, Children's General Hospital:

因為該病毒只能在喉嚨中侵襲,然後再侵襲肺部,當受到鹽水侵襲時,該病毒會死亡或從胃中流下來並在胃中銷毀,這是預防冠狀病毒流行的唯一方法, 市場上沒有藥品,所以不要購買。兒童綜合醫院王叔昂醫師:

New coronavirus can survive in the throat for four days before it reaches the lungs. At this time, people start coughing and sore throats. If he can drink as much warm water as possible and salt or vinegar, he can eliminate the virus. Get this message across as soon as possible, because you'll save someone's life!

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【錯誤】網傳「冠狀病毒在抵達肺部前會停留在喉嚨四天...如果他喝大量的水,並且以溫水加鹽巴或醋來漱口,可以消除病毒」? 網傳「冠狀病毒在抵達肺部前會停留在喉嚨四天...如果他喝大量的水,並且以溫水加鹽巴或醋來漱口,可以消除病毒」,經查: 一、「病毒會在喉嚨停四天」的說法沒有科學根據。 二、用鹽水或醋漱口,對已經侵入呼吸道的病毒沒有清除作用。 因此,傳言為「

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