I am a graduate of the University of Manchester Business School. My master's thesis "On the future direction of currency" was noticed by a colleague at Binance, so after graduation I was able to work as an intern at Binance in the United States. A year later I became an official analyst and later an auditor. Two years ago, I chose to leave Binance due to differences of opinion within Binance USA and its future direction. Together with my departing colleagues, I formed a team to work on analytics and investments. If you count, I have been in the cryptocurrency market for 8 years.
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根據這則訊息,有幾個地方可能需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 學歷和經歷:訊息中提到作者畢業於曼徹斯特大學商學院,並在Binance實習、成為分析師和審計師。閱聽人應該注意這些聲稱是否真實,因為在網路上有可能存在虛假的學歷和經歷。 2. Binance USA 的分歧:訊息中提到作者離開Binance USA是因為對於公司未來方向的分歧。閱聽人應該注意這個聲明是否可信,並思考是否有其他可能的原因。 3. 加密貨幣市場經驗:訊息中提到作者在加密貨幣市場已經有8年的經驗。閱聽人應該注意這個聲明是否可信,並思考作者的經驗是否足夠可靠。 總之,閱聽人應該保持懷疑的態度,並進一步驗證這些聲明的真實性。
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