這篇文章是對火山佈雷系統的介紹,摘錄自MilitaryLeak 網站,這套系統對人對車都有威脅,殺傷力大,圓形的外觀,直徑12公分,厚度6公分,重412公克,每個地雷會在距離地雷 12 米的地方部署八根絆線(頂部四根,底部四根),高度敏感,只要被觸發就會爆炸。412公克只有半條土司的重量,颱風可以吹上天,小狗可以刁著跑,牛羊會踢到,M87A1 地雷筒預裝了 6 枚 AT 地雷和 1 枚 AP 地雷,AT對坦克,AP對人員,所以人車都逃不掉,裝填配置是固定的,不能更改。

The M136 Volcano Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System is an automated mine delivery system developed by the United States Army in the 1980s. The primary purpose of Volcano is to provide the employing force with the capability to emplace large minefields rapidly under varied conditions. Volcano minefields are ideal for providing flank protection of advancing forces and for operating in concert with air and ground units on flank guard or screen missions. The system uses prepackaged mine canisters which contain multiple anti-personnel (AP) and/or anti-tank (AT) mines which are dispersed over a wide area when ejected from the canister. The system, commonly referred to as Volcano, is also used by other armies around the world. When fitted to aircraft, the system is referred to as Air Volcano and when fitted to ground vehicles is referred to as Ground Volcano.

M136 火山車載分散式地雷系統是美國陸軍在 1980 年代開發的一種自動地雷運載系統。 火山的主要目的是為部署部隊提供在各種條件下快速佈設大型雷區的能力。 火山雷區是為前進部隊提供側翼保護以及與空中和地面部隊協同作戰執行側翼防禦或掩護任務的理想選擇。 該系統使用預先包裝好的地雷罐,其中包含多個殺傷人員 (AP) 和/或反坦克 (AT) 地雷,這些地雷從罐中彈出時會散佈在廣闊的區域。 該系統通常被稱為 Volcano,也被世界各地的其他軍隊使用。 當安裝在飛機上時,該系統被稱為 Air Volcano,當安裝在地面車輛上時被稱為 Ground Volcano。

varies between fitment. Volcano is designed to be fitted to and removed from vehicles with a minimum of time and labour. The dispensing system is also designed for ease of use, to operated by personnel with a minimum of training. The ordnance used by the system is based upon a modified GATOR mine. Both live and inert (training) ordnance is available; live canisters are painted green while inert canisters are painted blue.
The M87A1 mine canister is prepackaged with six AT mines and one AP mine, each mine measuring 12 cm (4.72 in) in diameter and 6 cm (2.36 in) in height. The mixture of mines is fixed and cannot be altered in the field. Each AP mine contains approximately 412 grams (14.5 ounces) of explosives, mostly Comp B-4, and each AT mine contains approximately 605 grams (21.3 ounces) of explosives, mostly RDX. AP mines have a electrical fusing circuit triggered by a trip wire; each mine deploys eight trip wires (four on the top and four on the bottom) after ground impact up to 12 metres (39 feet) from the mine. AT mines have a magnetically induced fuse and do not have anti-disturbance devices; however, they are highly sensitive to movement once they are armed and any attempt to remove the mines will likely result in detonation.

因裝修而異。 Volcano 旨在以最少的時間和勞動力安裝和拆卸車輛。 分配系統的設計也易於使用,只需經過最少培訓的人員即可操作。 該系統使用的彈藥基於改進的 GATOR 地雷。 可以使用實彈和惰性(訓練)彈藥; 活罐塗成綠色,惰性罐塗成藍色。

M87A1 地雷筒預裝了 6 枚 AT 地雷和 1 枚 AP 地雷,每枚地雷的直徑為 12 公分(4.72 英寸),高度為 6 公分(2.36 英寸)。 地雷的混合是固定的,不能在現場改變。 每個 AP 地雷包含大約 412 克(14.5 盎司)炸藥,主要是 Comp B-4,每個 AT 地雷包含大約 605 克(21.3 盎司)炸藥,主要是 RDX。 AP 地雷有一個由絆線觸發的電子熔斷電路; 地面撞擊後,每個地雷會在距離地雷 12 米(39 英尺)的地方部署八根絆線(頂部四根,底部四根)。 AT地雷有磁感應保險絲,沒有抗干擾裝置; 然而,一旦他們武裝起來,他們就會對運動高度敏感,任何移除地雷的企圖都可能導致爆炸。
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可疑訊息採用偷換概念的蓄意誤導,利用部分的真實描述,來鋪陳後續的誤導訊息,這是軍事議題假訊息,國防部已澄清相關訊息,並提及用途為「戰時」執行灘岸區域阻絕支用,該裝備屬反戰(甲)車輛地雷,打擊目標為敵裝甲車輛,非人員殺傷性地雷,且為金屬製品,並具定時自毀功能,在作戰時,採計畫性布設,以雷區標示方式,可避免我軍及民眾誤觸,亦便於戰後清除。(網址: https://www.mnd.gov.tw/Publish.aspx?p=80923&title=%e5%9c%8b%e9%98%b2%e6%b6%88%e6%81%af&SelectStyle=%e5%8d%b3%e6%99%82%e6%96%b0%e8%81%9e%e6%be%84%e6%b8%85%e5%b0%88%e5%8d%80 )

この情報に 1 件のリプライがあります
Kuan間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Kuan さんのリプライを引用しています

1. 第一段為摘要,並非英文原文中有提及的內容。因此,當中提及「M87A1 地雷筒預裝了 6 枚 AT 地雷和 1 枚 AP 地雷」、「所以人車都逃不掉」等都不是維基百科中有出現的內容。

2. M87A1裝的是六個AT反坦克地雷/戰防雷。

維基百科原文寫的是「M87A1地雷桶和M87相似,除了裝的是六個AT反坦克地雷 (M87A1 Mine Canister: Identical to the M87 except each the canister contains six AT mines.)」

因此所謂「M87A1 地雷筒預裝了 6 枚 AT 地雷和 1 枚 AP 地雷 (The M87A1 mine canister is prepackaged with six AT mines and one AP mine)」是錯誤訊息,維基百科原文是「M87 地雷筒預裝了 5 枚 AT 地雷和 1 枚 AP 地雷 (The M87 mine canister is prepackaged with five AT mines and one AP mine)」




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