

Our Ref**********
Esentepe Mahallesi Buyukdere
Caddesi Kristal KuleBinasi
NO:215 Sisli-Istanbul Turkey
15th July, 2024
Issue Date: 15/07/2024
Account Number: 0959014437201
Account Name: Morris Chia Shaw
Amount:USD$ 72.562,500.00
Reference: Inheritance Funds
Account Signatory: Dr. Morris Chia Shaw
We the Executive Management of QNB Finansbank A.S located at Esentepe Mahallesi
Buyukdere Caddesi Kristal KuleBinasi NO:215 Sisli-Istanbul Turkey hereby confirm with full
bank responsibility and legal liability that Dr. Morris Chia Shaw has available cash funds in
the amount of USD$ 72,562,500.00.
We further confirm that these cash funds are legally earned through Completion of contract
by the Government of Turkey and the funds are good, clean, cleared funds of non-criminal
origin and are free of any liens or encumbrances.
We further confirm that Dr. Morris Chia Shaw Citizen of Taiwan has been recorded as a
signatory to the account and we are prepared to transfer the said funds upon your request.
We further confirm our willingness to communicate and transfer funds to your designated
account that you will provide our bank.
For and on behalf of QNB Finansbank Executive Management
Mr. Ahmet Erzengin
Head of Internal Control and Compliance
QNB Finansbank Istanbul Office Turkey
QNB Finansbank A.S. Esentepe Mahallesi Buyukdere Caddesi Kristal KuleBinasi NO:215 Sisli-Istanbul Turkey
過去 31 日間
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這則訊息中有幾個地方可能需要閱聽人特別留意: 1. 未經證實的來源:訊息提到了一家名為QNB Finansbank的銀行,但閱聽人應該注意,未必所有在網路上看到的資訊都是真實可靠的。在處理任何涉及金錢的事務時,應該謹慎核實資訊的真實性。 2. 非正式的通知:這封訊息可能聲稱提供了一份「資金證明」,但這份證明的形式和內容是否符合正式的金融機構標準,值得閱聽人懷疑。 3. 要求個人資訊:訊息中提到要求提供指定帳戶以進行資金轉帳,閱聽人應該謹慎提供個人資訊,以免遭受詐騙或其他不當行為。 總之,閱聽人應該保持警覺,對於來路不明或可疑的訊息,應該謹慎處理,避免受到金融詐騙或其他風險的影響。
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