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No response has been written yet. It is recommended to maintain a healthy skepticism towards it.
Automated analysis from ChatGPT
The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
這則訊息中提到了多個詐騙案件,包括裕萊詐騙、裕萊證券詐騙、BitFinex詐騙、TNCN詐騙、Peicheng詐騙等,並聲稱這些詐騙行為都與不能出金、不能提領、不能提現等有關。然而,這則訊息的連結卻顯示「Access Denied」,無法進一步查證訊息的真實性。因此,閱聽人需要注意這則訊息的真實性,並懷疑其中所提到的詐騙案件是否屬實。
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LINE 機器人