論文門破案了!LSE向法院坦承"無蔡英文資料" 彭文正嗆告:"騙子們"一個都不放過! |熱搜發燒榜 @中天新聞

#論文門#LSE英國倫敦政經學院#假博士蔡英文#彭文正#博士口試📢📢📢「2021中天家族會員返校日 超級同學會」報名連結(11/15-11/29)📢請加入【全球大視野】頻道會員!!支持我們製作優質國際新聞!!👉https://pse.i...
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この情報に 1 件のリプライがあります
HankOu個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
HankOu さんのリプライを引用しています
1.這份報告是來自ICO(Information Commissioner’s Office)的英國資訊單位報告書,不是英國法院的判決書,不適合用"判決出爐"來混淆。
2.報告內文提到"denied holding the requested information"否認的部分是指"the names of examiners"(口試委員名單),所以ICO綜合所有的可能評估推測LSE可能已經沒有留存這份委員名單。
3.學位的真實性已經由英國初級審裁處知情權分庭於2021年9月13日判決說明由倫敦大學公開的資訊足以證實。判決原文:"56. Further, we find that there is sufficient evidence already in the public domain to satisfy Mr. Richardson’s or the public’s concerns about whether or not President
Tsai was awarded a PhD, without the need to release this particular information. This includes the fact that the University has publicly confirmed that the degree was correctly awarded and that it holds records of the viva and the pass list in relation to President Tsai and the fact that the thesis appeared in the IALS list of legal theses successfully completed for postgraduate degrees published in 1985. In our view it is not reasonably necessary to also disclose the names of the examiners and the date that they signed approval of the thesis. "

Opinion Sources

英國初級審裁處知情權分庭決議文 200921 Richardson EA 2020 0212 p.pdf

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