They didn't leave it to chance.

After learning about this epic flight, I wanted to make a nice high-res graphic for you guys to show just how many resources China ( and Russia ) dedicated to Meng Wahnzhou ( Huawei CFO )'s safe return home. First of all the chartered flight went through basically the North Pole, the Arctic Sea, Russia, Mongolia and only then to China in order to avoid Alaska and any other US airspace where "accidents" may happen, as we all too well know they tend to.

After the flight left Canadian airspace, it was immediately escorted by 4 Chengdu J-20 Stealth Fighters in international airspace in the region of the North Pole right up to the Russian border. There the escort was replaced with 4 Su-35 Air Superiority Fighters from the Russian Air Force through their airspace, and once it reached Chinese airspace, the final escort were 4 Shenyang J-16 Multirole Strike Fighters ( a derivative of the Su-35 ) all the way to her safe landing at Shenzhen International Airport.

At the same time, when the flight took off from Canada, the Type 815 Electronic Warfare Surveillance Vessel cruising the North Pacific turned on the strongest Jamming Software Suite, suppressing the North American Air Defense Command's signal. Also at the same time, a 093 Shang Class Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine - also cruising the North Pacific - surfaced and opened all vertical launch ports, for submarine-launched anti-aircraft missiles, ready to destroy anything in the sky.

China in 2021 is nothing like China was in 1991, not even close. It is just as strong a military force as it is an economic one, except it's forces are focused on defence of the mainland and not dominating all regions on earth. Even the most unhinged hawkish opponents like mustachioed villain John Bolton - who incidentally is responsible for Meng's arrest - agree that a hot war with China is unwinnable. Her military alliances also have strong fundaments, and are not based on opportunism and petty brinkmanship... And if attacking China is suicidal lunacy, what words are there for attacking China AND Russia?

It is nice to see the safety of Meng Wanzhou ensured, nay, guaranteed by the full force of her great nation and it's alliance system.

Original reporting came through a few people, comrades Patrick Rotcivz → Eddie Zhuu → Donia Jay

Peace, Land and Bread
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