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新的偷車方式: 產險公司傳過來的資訊與大家分享!…

您到停車場, 打開您的汽車且坐進去。開發動引擎和倒車出來。

那麼現在偷車人有您的汽車,您的 住址,您的現金,您的銀行提款、卡信用卡並且您宅院的鑰匙。




The new way to steal cars, property; insurance company passed the information to share with you!
(i) A new way to steal a car!
You go to the parking lot, open your car and get in. Start the engine and back out.
When you look in the rearview mirror, notice the back of your parking position: There is a letter paper taped to the middle of the rear window.
So, you stop back, open the door and get out to get the paper.
When you get to the back of your car, the car thief suddenly appears, jumps into your car and runs away.
If more ruthless, but also reverse will knock you to the ground.
(ii) Consequences:
I believe your wallet is still in the car.
So now the car thief has your car, your address, your cash, your bank withdrawals, credit cards and the keys to your house.
Your home and your whole identity are under siege!
(iii) Disposal:
If you see a piece of paper taped to your back window, please leave the scene immediately! Don't hesitate to drive some distance before getting out of the car and tearing up the paper.
I hope you will pass it on to friends and family, especially women.
※ For safety, please share after reading ~...
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