Honey, are you OK now ? Do you really wish for this issue to result to be in court ? Do you even know where you might end up ? Living your life in prison? Because you will definitely end up there if you are charged to the court with this issue 🙄 please don't even dare to think of that ,as long as I'm here and I know the value of the package I know so well that i send to you got missing I will not be happy with that , you know so well how much money I kept in the package just for you right ? Does it mean you know nothing about the money in the box, or has the delivery company not told you anything about it 🤔? So why do you act as if you will never get your money back when the package is given to you 🤔 😏. Do you really want to lose such a package in the hands of the customs and let it be confiscated ?
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這則訊息中有幾個地方需要特別留意: 1. 詐騙威脅:訊息中提到如果這個問題進入法院,閱聽人可能會被判刑入獄。這種威脅可能是詐騙手法的一種,試圖讓閱聽人感到恐懼和壓力,進而採取不理智的行動。 2. 金錢誘因:訊息中提到有一筆錢被放在包裹中,並且閱聽人似乎對此不知情。這種金錢誘因可能是詐騙手法的一部分,試圖讓閱聽人相信他們有一筆錢在包裹中,進而讓他們更容易受騙。 3. 貨物被扣押:訊息中暗示包裹可能會被海關扣押並沒收。這種情況可能是詐騙手法的一種,試圖讓閱聽人感到焦慮和恐懼,進而採取不理智的行動。 閱聽人需要注意這些地方,並保持警惕。如果有類似的訊息,最好確認其真實性,不要輕易相信並避免提供個人資訊或採取任何不明智的行動。
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