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(1)本文作者不明,自稱曾任 政大國際事務學院院長,但是在網頁找不到出處。
(2)文中引述的美國芝加哥大學政治系教授 Mearsheimer米爾斯邁爾,曾在2016年針對俄烏2014年戰爭的發病演說:”俄烏戰爭為西方之錯“,可以參考[1].

Opinion Sources

[1]Youtube:Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? by Mearsheimer (2016)
[2]NewYorker: Why Mearsheimer blames the US for the crisis in Ukraine (2022.301)
[3]Podcast: John Mearsheimer on Ukraine, International Relations, and the Military (2022)

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

UnCommon Core: The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine CrisisJohn J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Sci...


Booknotes+ Podcast: John Mearsheimer on Ukraine, International Relations, and the Military

During his 40 years in the political science department at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer has not avoided controversy. His article and subsequen...


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