
Dear Charles:

Good evening.

The total area from the radioactive contamination is measured 3,000 square kilometers with a potentially quarantine ar239ea is measured to be 13,000 square kilometers.

There were four reactors was destroyed from the tsunami and the inside fuel rods were totally melt down without any way to remove them from these 4 crippled reactors.

As matter of fact, all these 4 reactors had been totally melt through and the nuclear fuels has been punctured the 4-inch thick steel outer shell.

Furthermore, those 4 reactors generate 300 tons of highly radioactive contaminated water.

The owner of these reactors, the TEPCO, STORED THESE HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE WATER in plastic drums and over the year, a lot of those 55-gal plastic drums developed leakage.

Japan government simply allow those leaked highly radioactive water drained into the Pacific Ocean.

The very reason that US has not opposing this highly radioactive water into the ocean...
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