轉載 我和太太在由美國返台8月13號班機上,看到機艙內不少年輕洋仔,多數是年輕美國人⋯⋯雖坐不同座位區,看頭髮氣質卻嗅得出,這些應該都是軍人,但是我們想他們來台做什麼?台灣邊境尚未開放-⋯⋯這一群人,他們看起來決非一般觀光客-⋯⋯當日同班機上,數目至少有一個步兵連之多,他們卻悄悄入境台灣這是以往我一陣子往返台美航班,所未見的狀況,這群長相類似軍人的年輕人,其中還有華裔青年英語能力極佳(應該在美生長的)他點東西都只用英文,但他中文能力亦不弱,剛好坐我們旁邊,從上機到下機,他們坐姿身型都像是軍人。另一事⋯⋯聯想⋯⋯他們來台應該不是旅遊的,是否準備點燃兩岸戰火的,要讓整個戰爭爆發看上去、是台灣弟兄憎恨大陸,主動先開火。所以⋯⋯這些來自長相類似"美國軍人",尤其其中華裔青年,是否將冒充台灣軍方弟兄,故意先開火引戰⋯美國-⋯⋯派這群人甚至華裔青年所為何來?是否主動先開戰,挑撥台灣和大陸之間⋯⋯如普丁說的:美國在正在把台灣烏克化⋯⋯。 轉貼我台北友人對這一則訊息的回覆:上週我晚上路過復興南路豆漿清粥小菜一帶,發現有個pub,裏外出現不少舉止像軍人的年輕老外男女,是從未出現過的景象。轉載My wife and I were on the flight returning from the US on August 13, we saw a young cruiser with the machine, many of them were older Americans in different seats. Looking at the quality of the head, some of them were military men, but I guess he was doing what? The Taiwanese border has not yet been opened - a group of people, and he seemed to have made unusual visitors - on the same flight the next day, there were at least one infantry brigade, and he entered Taipei borderIt is a success that I have never seen in my lifetime to return to Taiwan.The commander of the group is similar to the age of the military, among them he has excellent English skills (the potential of the president of the United States). He only uses English in East and West, but his Chinese ability is not weak. He sits on my side, and sits on the plane to off the plane, and his body looks like a military man.One more thing to think about him in Taiwan is not for travel. Whether he is ready to burn fireworks. It looks like he is going to burn the whole fire. It looks like the Taiwanese brothers are shouting at him. He is the one who took the initiative to open the fire.So some of the leaders who look similar to "American soldiers", especially young men among them, pretend to be Taiwanese military brothers and deliberately open fire to retrieve them first.What did the American-Hongkong dispatchers even call the youth? Whether or not, the event will be held, the challenge of the Urawa Osunoma StationTypical: Meijiang is trashing Taiwan. I'm sorry for my Taipei friends:Last week, I passed by in the evening to reconstruct the South Road tofu and a bowl of fresh vegetables. There was a private pub, and a lot of appearances outside the town prevented the elderly men and women who looked like military men and women. It was a sight that had never appeared before.
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🎓 事實查核中心請教軍事專家,專家表示訊息裡「冒充台灣軍方弟兄」的情節並不合理,無論是國籍規定還是軍種上都說不通。另外,查核組織 MyGoPen 指出,查無資訊指出普丁有說「美國在正在把台灣烏克化」,故文末這樣的敘述是錯誤傳言。

⚠️ 請注意這篇訊息符合不合理疑美論的特性:文字中質疑美國希望挑起台海戰爭,卻絕口不提台海戰爭的根源乃是中共侵台野心,意圖將收到訊息的人的注意力,從中共對台的威脅與挑釁轉移走。





【報告將隨時更新 2022/9/1版】 一、國軍志願役和國軍各單位聘雇人員不得為雙重國籍,相關報考簡單均有註明清楚。 網傳「美國軍人冒充台灣軍方」、「美國籍加入台灣兵」等情況不會發生,網傳所述美軍冒充、故意引戰並不合理。 二、軍事專家表示,台美交流合作頻繁,但美軍來台跟進行戰前準備是兩回事。網傳內容沒有任何證據能證明在飛機上看到的就是美軍與何種單位。此外,台海若開戰會以空軍和海軍為第一戰線,傳言所




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