Looks like the Indian COVID variant is here in Folsom and Bayarea and probably all California.
One person, who is under 30, came back from India in mid-April, and got the Indian variant of the COVID. He is now in ICU. And few others are infected.
It is impacting kids, and most people in 30s/40s. Even those who have taken both vaccine shots.
So, there is a potential for spike in corona cases... especially in Indian community.
Please continue to wear masks and practice social distancing and avoid large indoor gatherings.
A San Ramon resident passed away on Apr 25 due to COVID-19 complications in India. He went to India to see his father. He got vaccinated before leaving (both shots). He got infected in India but tests were negative (apparently the latest strain only shows up on the CT scan) so he was caught unaware. Suddenly his oxygen level dropped to 70 and he had to be taken to the hospital. He was in a critical condition and then he passed away due to liver failure. He was a very healthy person.
So looks like the vaccination might not be that effective for this new variant. ???
Please be careful visiting India even after getting vaccinated. Take care and stay safe
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