【重磅】美國情報界泰斗 皮切尼克博士(Steve Pieczenick) 爆料!這次大選是美國史上最大的「釣魚行動」!一切都是川普總統計劃好的,選票有水印標記,二萬國民警衛隊已經派出。 2020 11 07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDZ4MdtN88A
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International Business Times-FACT CHECK: Did DHS Organize a Sting Operation Against Democrats by Watermarking Ballots?

CISA官網-請見「Rumor: DHS or CISA printed paper ballots with security measures and is auditing results as a countermeasure against ballot counterfeiting」段落:

Rumor Control | CISA

Mis- and Disinformation can undermine public confidence in the electoral process, as well as in our democracy.   A message from the CISA Director. 


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