
關注香港,關注蘇丹,蘇丹自去年12月開始和平抗爭,總統巴席爾(Omar al-Bashir)在四月被成功罷黜,然而卻被軍方掌權,公民慘遭軍隊血腥鎮壓,至今已500多人死,無數人失蹤,6歲女孩被10名男性強姦,女性被集體強暴,男性也被性暴力所害。





1. 轉發這張藍色蘇丹女性流淚頭像
2. 連署要求聯合國對蘇丹軍方鎮壓展開調查:https://www.change.org/p/antónio-guterres-the-secretary-general-of-the-united-nations-the-un-must-investigate-the-3rd-of-june-human-rights-violations-in-sudan-by-the-military?signed=true
3. 到GoFundMe群眾集資網捐款支持:https://www.gofundme.com/emergency-medical-aid-for-sudan
4. 捐款給Save The Children, UNICEF, 及以下臉書網頁
Food & Medicine for Sudan

"I'm writing this heartbroken.
The western media is failing to inform people of what is happening in Sudan, I am struggling to get my head around it and find enough information about what's happening.
Please do your research, awful things are happening.

A 6-year-old girl was raped by 10 men.
523 people have been killed.
723 people have been injured.
650 innocent people have been arrested.
48 women have been raped.
1000's of people are missing.

If every person can dedicate one post to what is going on in Sudan, we can come together and raise awareness and try to help the poor people going through this.

We are all HUMAN, we need to stick together and love one another, protect one another. This is not acceptable, the lack of media coverage is NOT acceptable!"

7 things you can do right now for Sudan:


Click here to support Emergency Medical Aid for Sudan organised by Uprisings Charity Event

In the ongoing protests and unrest currently taking place in Sudan, people are struggling to access food, basic amenities, and emergency healthcare.Given the violent governmental and military response



£299,313 of £398,570 raisedThe goal of this fundraising campaign is to provide food, water, and medical care for the people of Sudan during this critical time in the country’s history. The University

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回應血腥鎮壓 蘇丹人發動公民不服從運動

時間:2019-06-09 06:03 新聞引據:採訪、法新社 撰稿編輯:吳寧康 蘇丹大批抗議者在首都喀土木的國防部外頭紮營,3日遭到維安部隊


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