Response to Medical Relief and Replacement Requests

Reference: Dr. Antonio Antok (Code: USMT/SOU/511727/20)

~ United Nations Headquarters has approved your request. We approve your request. Therefore, you (as the signer) need to pay the replacement fee. You will need to pay $3,650 as a replacement fee.

~ This request has a limited contract time. Once the UN Commander-in-Chief arrives at the camp and takes the doctor's name, we can no longer help you. If you have any reservations about your complaint, please write to us immediately and tell us your best decision.

NOTE: Please try to let us know once your fiancee arrives, as she will receive a $85,000 vacation allowance for being the top doctor and best doctor here

To avoid complications, follow UN instructions. After paying for the replacement, be sure to scan the payment receipt and send it to us. Once we receive your email and payment details, your fiancee will be released from the mission at the camp.

Note: Please be assured that we need a copy of this information for clarification with your fiancee

Thank you.

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這則訊息需要特別留意或懷疑的地方包括: 1. 訊息中提到需要支付 $3,650 的替代費用,但沒有說明這筆費用的用途或來源,也沒有提供任何付款方式或帳戶資訊。 2. 訊息中提到如果 UN Commander-in-Chief 到達營地並掌握了醫生的名字,就無法再提供幫助,這種語氣讓人感到壓迫和威脅。 3. 訊息中提到醫生的未婚妻將獲得 $85,000 的假期津貼,但沒有說明這筆津貼的來源或條件,也沒有提供任何相關的聯繫方式或文件。 基於以上幾點,閱聽人需要注意這則訊息可能是詐騙或欺詐行為,應該謹慎對待,不要隨意付款或提供個人資訊。
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