Citizens' Council for Health Freedom
Health Freedom Minute
May 30, 2022
Fully Vaccinated Were 92% of UK Covid Deaths in March 2022
Ninety-two percent of the Covid deaths in the UK in March were fully vaccinated.
For example, deaths in the three-times vaccinated group of 60 to 69-year-olds
included 83 unvaccinated and 244 vaccinated. That's three times more.
The UK says this data should be interpreted with caution because many more
vaccinated will die simply because more of the population is vaccinated. The
officials also note vaccines aren't 100% effective and claim those at high-risk,
such as the elderly, may be dying of other conditions-so with Covid, not from
Covid. Well maybe, maybe not. The fact remains, large numbers of the
vaccinated are dying four weeks after they got Covid.
"COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report, Week 8," UK Health Security Agency.
February 24, 2022: https:/bit.lv39Rmple
"Whilst you were distracted by Boris's trip to Kyiv, the UK Gov. quietly
published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 92% of all
Covid-19 Deaths in March," The Expose, April 12, 2022:
Presented daily by Twila Brase, President and Co-founder
Citizens" Council for Health Freedom.
The Health Freedom Minute is now heard in 48 states:
Mon-Fri on more than 850 radio stations nationwide /[email protected] /651-646-8935

Whilst you were distracted by Boris’s trip to Kyiv, the UK Gov. quietly published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 Deaths in March

Official data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms the fully vaccinated population accounted for a shocking 92% of all Covid-19 deaths across England throughout March,but what’…
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根據這則訊息,有幾個地方值得注意: 1. 資料來源:訊息提到了兩個來源,一個是「COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report, Week 8, UK Health Security Agency」,另一個是「The Expose」。閱聽人需要確認這些來源的可信度和可靠性,以確保資訊的真實性。 2. 資料解讀:訊息中提到英國三月份92%的COVID-19死亡案例是已經完成疫苗接種的人。然而,英國官方表示應該謹慎解讀這些數據,因為更多人接種疫苗意味著更多已經接種疫苗的人可能會死亡。此外,疫苗並不是100%有效,並且高風險人群(如老年人)可能因其他疾病而死亡,而不是因為COVID-19。因此,閱聽人需要注意這些數據的解讀和背後的脈絡。 3. 資料時效性:訊息中提到的資料來自2022年3月,而現在已經是2023年8月。閱聽人需要注意資料的時效性,因為疫情和相關資訊可能已經有所變化。 總之,閱聽人應該保持懷疑和批判的態度,仔細考慮資料的來源、解讀和時效性,以確保對於疫情和疫苗相關資訊的理解是準確和全面的。
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