这个系列将有助于使魔鬼崇拜正常化。事实上,剧中的一位女演员露西·德维托(Lucy DeVito)说过:
Please Sign here https://www.tfp.org/petition/tell-disney-to-stop-promoting-satan-to-our-children/
過去 31 日間
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Joannie個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
Joannie さんのリプライを引用しています
「迪士尼多年来一直在为我们的孩子推广不道德的榜样。」這句話為個人意見,不是所有人都這麼認為,而迪士尼也有許多動畫都是家喻戶曉大家的童年,像是白雪公主、睡美人等等。而 little demon這部動畫的確在美國掀起了反觀看潮,有看完此動畫的人評價「父母們必須知道小惡魔是個關於一個青春期小女孩的母親是人類而父親是撒旦的卡通系列。僅關有令人毛骨悚然的場景,但整個動畫有著輕鬆和漫畫的聲調,不過還是有許多成熟的內容。暴力是很平凡發生的而且血腥,像是角色會直接射掉自己的生殖器,也常常會賣出髒話。」看出內容在大部分眼裡的確不符合小孩子看的動畫,而有有網站將此動畫評價為需滿17歲觀看的影集。

翻譯原文:“Parents need to know that Little Demon is an animated series about a teen girl whose mother is human and father is Satan himself. Despite the spooky premise, this show has a light and comic tone, though lots of mature content. Violence is frequent and bloody: Characters shoot off their own genitals; arms and heads shoot off bloodily when Chrissy wills it; we frequently see demons with visible entrails and bones. Demon hunters are in search of Chrissy too, promising to "gut this child and wear her entrails as scarves." Expect disembodied limbs, supernatural imagery, talking misshapen animals, frequent deaths, and other gory violence. Language is mature too, with frequent cursing ("f--k," "motherf----r," "a--hole," "s--t" and so on). Chrissy has a love interest; expect them to date and kiss. Teens drink at a party, including gelatin shots; Chrissy downs a whole tray of them as other teen guests applaud.”

Opinion Sources



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