
The Justice Star Award(正義之星獎)是總部在加拿大的非營利組織,每年頒發此獎(獎金一萬加元),獎勵世界各國捍衛司法正義的勇敢人士。今年的獎,頒給了台灣知名媒體人、前民視節目主持人、現《政經關不了》網絡視頻主持人、一直揭露蔡英文假博士真相的彭文正教授。




The Justice Star Award頒獎詞還說,彭文正教授追求真相的精神,可和2021年兩位諾貝爾和平獎得主、兩位知名記者 Maria Ressa(菲律賓記者)和Dmitry Muratov(俄國記者)相比。


Justice Star Award
— To make justice worldwide

Justice Star Award Society is a non-profit organization in Canada which grants 10,000.00 Canadian dollars annually to an individual or organization that has pursued justice for the public interest in global communities. We are dedicated to enhancing justice in people’s lives and in the world.

Award Recipients:

Congratulations to Professor Dennis Weng Jeng Peng for winning the 2022 Justice Star Award

The committee received many nominations, and after careful review, we are pleased to announce to award Professor Dennis Weng Jeng Peng the first Justice Star Award with a monetary award of $10,000 Canadian dollars.

Professor Peng has been nominated by many people, including former faculty members of the famous Stanford University in the United States and overseas Chinese organizations. The committee scrutinized Professor Peng’s fearless performance in defending Taiwan’s freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and judicial justice, and in monitoring and challenging the totalitarian government. Professor Peng is comparable to the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winners, two renowned media reporters, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov. The committee also contacted the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where Professor Peng earned his Ph.D., and received a response from the Chancellor’s Office: “The University of Wisconsin-Madison is proud to encourage all students and alumni to sift and winnow for the truth, both in academic pursuits and in society at large. Thank you for your message highlighting the focus of your work in support of alumnus Dr. Dennis Weng Jeng Peng.”

The Justice Star Award Committee proudly presents the very best Justice Star Award annually on July 17th, World Day for International Justice. Work together, and we can make justice worldwide!

Mission & Vision:
• To improve the justice system
• To enhance and promote access to justice
• To protect the public interest and social justice
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彭文正所得的獎,由華裔企業家Estrella Shen創辦,申請流程為自己提名、不公開的審查過程與審查委員,且並未有歷年得獎者的資訊。查證結果,此獎並未有公信力。



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