At the funeral service of late Queen Elizabeth, towards the end of the service, I was touched by the Archbishop's last words before the body was taken to the grave for burial. He said: "Now let us remove all symbols of power from the coffin, so that our ‘’sister", Elizabeth can be committed to the grave as a simple Christian".
Immediately, the staff of office was removed, then the scepter, the crown followed and all valuables were removed. The Queen was buried with *NOTHING.* Notice that the Archbishop did not include *"Queen"* to her name at this point too.
Life is indeed vanity. It is transient, and that teaches us humility. Humility in power, humility in relating with others, humility in our acquisition of wealth, and humility in all our endeavors, because in the end, we will all go back with *NOTHING.*

在已故伊麗莎白女王的葬禮上,在葬禮接近尾聲時,我被大主教在屍體被帶到墳墓埋葬之前的遺言感動了。 他說:“現在讓我們從棺材中移除所有權力的象徵,以便我們的‘’姐妹‘’伊麗莎白可以作為一個簡單的基督徒被送入墳墓”。
隨即,辦公室的工作人員被撤走了,然後是權杖,王冠,所有貴重物品都被撤走了。 女王被埋葬時*NOTHING*。請注意,大主教此時也沒有在她的名字中包含*“Queen”*。
生活確實是虛榮。 它是短暫的,這教會了我們謙卑。 在權力中謙虛,在與他人交往中謙虛,在我們獲得財富時謙虛,在我們所有的努力中謙虛,因為最終,我們都會帶著*NOTHING.*
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