王必勝接手防疫之後 不再公佈死亡分析 因第三針死亡最高 由此也不鼓勵多打針
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❗網傳影片醫療記者 Jennifer Ashton 的發言原文如下:

Yes, you got some new data on boosters. There's a new published study out in Lancet, the journal Lancet infectious disease about the fourth dose. And what happens to our antibody levels, it is not a surprise that they've released new data confirming that after the fourth dose of Pfizer, or Maderna, that antibody levels rise significantly, they surge in the several weeks after that dose. We've known that for a while.

But here are the caveats. We don't know how long that lasts. Number one, and our immune response, remember, is not just about antibodies, it's about that T cell response also, which is you can't really measure as well as just a pure antibody level.

And it's about whether or not they're blocking or neutralizing antibodies to the variant that we're seeing. So when people hear these headlines, they shouldn't be surprised. Yes, of course, you're going to get a surge in your antibody levels. But how long that lasts is the issue.

And it's certainly not just about more boosting for everyone, people who have high antibody levels, there's the potential, I want to underscore the potential we haven't seen any evidence of this, of this immune phenomenon known as tolerance, where if you already have high antibody levels, and you get another booster, that your immune system can start to say, Well, what what am I needed for and can kind of start to shut down.

So we, if you're in that category of people who the FDA and CDC is recommending to get a booster 50 and over 65 and over with a chronic medical condition? Yes, by all means, but everyone else don't think that more boosting is the answer. We don't know that. That's the case.


【錯誤】網傳「主流媒體美國ABC電視台 終於承認----第 4 劑疫苗接種可能會關閉您的免疫系統 」? | 台灣事實查核中心: https://tfc-taiwan.org.tw/articles/8068

【錯誤】網傳「主流媒體美國ABC電視台 終於承認----第 4 劑疫苗接種可能會關閉您的免疫系統 」?

【報告將隨時更新 2022/8/25版】 一、網傳影片出自美國媒體電視節目,該節目邀請一名醫藥記者分析新冠疫苗第四劑。該記者先介紹一篇醫學研究,研究指出接種第四劑後抗體會明顯增加,但抗體持續多久不清楚。 她隨後個人評論,建議民眾「低估打越多劑、抗體越高」說法,她略提到「免疫也可能開始關閉」,但她並未提出證據,也沒有多做解釋。 二、查核中心協請台灣感染症和免疫學專家檢視影片,專家們表示,網傳影片有關


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