快來應徵WTO YPP 計畫!
WTO是我國最重要參與的國際經貿組織,2024年WTO「青年專業人士實習計畫 」(Young Professionals Programme, YPP)現正招募中,月薪4,000瑞郎,工作地點就在WTO🇨🇭瑞士日內瓦總部。
The World Trade Organization is looking for paid interns! Do you know a Taiwanese talent that you think would fit right in at this international economic organization and needs a little #Geneva in their lives?
The organization’s Young Professionals Programme is recruiting candidates aged 32 and under (as of January 1, 2024) with fluency in English and an academic and work background in related fields. More information is available at the link below, but get your skates on, as applications close April 13:
https://wto.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/Young-Professionals_JR101759 .
#RepresentTaiwan #WTO