G20 晚會 ,中共研發的煙火,歐巴馬說:全世界都未見過。

New Years 2013 - Synchronized Epic Music (Heart of Courage) - FWSim Fireworks Display - HD

Happy New Year, YouTube! :) I hope you all had a pleasant party celebrating the dawning of a new year. We all made it, safe and sound, to the year 2013, and I wanted to continue the party by sharing

過去 31 日間
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Lew Lew さんのリプライを引用しています
如果點進 Youtube 原始頁面看底下的資訊,會發現其實該影片是一個老外 PO 的。該老外說那是他自己用電腦軟體合成的煙火畫面。如果你仔細用大螢幕看看畫面,應該會發現有點假。



New Years 2013 - Synchronized Epic Music (Heart of Courage) - FWSim Fireworks Display - HD

Happy New Year, YouTube! :) I hope you all had a pleasant party celebrating the dawning of a new year. We all made it, safe and sound, to the year 2013, and I wanted to continue the party by sharing

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