WiFi 常用加密協定 WPA, WPA2 已被攻破!!
不要使用 WiFi 進行任何機敏資料傳輸!你所有的輸入資訊都有機會被截取!

盡量使用4G/3G 等私人網路,真要使用公眾WiFi 就掛個私人加密VPN

影響裝置擴及所有 Android/Linux(含大部分基地台)/Windows/Apple

近期請密切注意裝置更新 不要想說更新很麻煩 資料被盜用不會比較方便
(CVE-2017-13077~CVE-2017-13088 這幾個漏洞)
手法: KRACKs
各大廠更新進度: https://goo.gl/KfNKCk
說明網站: https://www.krackattacks.com/
DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh4WURZoR98

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

As many people have read or will soon read, there is a vulnerability in the WPA2 wireless protocol called Krack that could allow attackers to eavesdrop on wireless connections and inject data into the


KRACK Attacks: Breaking WPA2

Introduction We discovered serious weaknesses in WPA2, a protocol that secures all modern protected Wi-Fi networks. An attacker within range of a victim can exploit these weaknesses using key rein


KRACK Attacks: Bypassing WPA2 against Android and Linux

This video explains some of the academic research performed in the ACM CCS 2017 paper "Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2". It's not a guide or tutorial on how to hack people. Ins

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【全球 Wi-Fi 大風暴】WPA2 加密協議被攻破!Wi-Fi 安全面臨重大危機該怎麼辦? - INSIDE

Photo Credit:pixabay 本篇來自合作媒體 Pingwest,INSIDE 經授權轉載。 比利時研究人員 10 月 16 日表示:WPA2 安全加密協議已經被破解。 如果你朋友圈裡有一兩個略懂一些技術的好友,那麼他一定在昨天已經轉發過了相關的新聞。也許你對這條充滿技術詞語的新聞並不關心,除非我們換一種說法: 你能連接到的絕大多數 Wi-Fi 在一夜之間都不安全了,甚至你透過自己家


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