




The US hence needs to consider how its interests may be damaged by Taiwan’s military pension reform policy. Taiwan’s military personnel may lose the will to defend themselves if they feel betrayed by President Tsai. In that case, Washington would have no reason to help Taiwan defend itself. The US should also consider that Taiwan’s military personnel may not hesitate to double cross a regime that they feel has turned its back on them by passing to China confidential materials shared between Washington and Taipei. In this manner, the US’ national security and security interests in the Asia-Pacific would be compromised.


Treason and Resistance to Pension Reform in Taiwan

One year into her presidency, Tsai Ing-wen is setting off a firestorm of protest against her government’s reform of Taiwan’s public pension system. Angry and uncertain about their future, public emplo

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美國學者Elizabeth Freund Larus確實表示美國應正視台灣年金改革對於國家自身利益影響,但其出發點乃是在2014與2017年台灣軍方分別發現退休軍官作為中國方面的間諜,擔心此次年金改革會使退役與現役軍官對未來產生不確定性,並對國家忠誠度下降,進而影響美國在亞洲的策略。



Treason and Resistance to Pension Reform in Taiwan

One year into her presidency, Tsai Ing-wen is setting off a firestorm of protest against her government’s reform of Taiwan’s public pension system. Angry and uncertain about their future, public emplo


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