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The older I get, the more I think. You only get a minute, better live while you're in it, cause it's gone in a blink.
And the older I get, the truer it is. It's the people you love, not the money and the stuff that makes you rich.
And if they found a fountain of youth, I wouldn't drink a drop, and that's the truth. Funny how it feels, I'm just getting to my best years yet.
The older I get, the fewer friends I have. But you don't need a lot, and the ones that you've got have always got you back.
And the older I get, the better I am. In knowing when to give and when to just not give a damn.
And if they found a fountain of youth, I wouldn't drink a drop, and that's the truth. Funny how it feels, I'm just getting to my best years yet.
The older I get.
All the lines from all the times I've laughed and cried. Souvenirs and little signs of the life I've lived.
The older I get, the longer I pray. I don't know why, I guess that I've got more than sand.
And the older I get, the more thankful I feel. For the life I've had and all the life I'm living still.
過去 31 日間
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