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Nobody can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone.
No one can help you again and again, so you have to fight all the time.
If you talk to someone and they don't respond, please remember, no response is also a response, and it's a powerful one.
Don't always stay at home. Travel around whenever possible. Never say you don't have money. Never say you don't have time.
There are more solutions than problems. When you see a bigger world, your problems get smaller.
Today is not easy. Tomorrow is more difficult. But the day after tomorrow will be wonderful.
Four things you cannot recover in life. A word after is said. An opportunity after is missed. Time after is gone. Trust after is lost.
Life is too short to waste. Just face things head on and be fearless. Always live for yourself and smile brightly.
Don't care about others' judgment. Just be yourself. If you're not that lucky, make sure you're working hard enough.
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