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One thing you did tell me, and this is what you said the last time you were here with me, you said that it﹑s, you know, forget 20 million, it﹑s 50 million, and this is based on, you know, documents that you﹑ve seen that we have not seen yet. So, can you﹑is it still 50 million? Is it more now? What do you know?
Oh, it﹑s staggeringly high. It﹑s definitely more than 50 million. It﹑s staggeringly high. I﹑m not allowed to share the confidential information in the suspicious activity report sitting at the Treasury right now,
but the amount of money we are talking about is staggering. And the fact that mainstream media has just ignored this, swept this under the rug and said, all of this is normal.
This is probably the most corrupt president in U.S. history. And I don﹑t say that lightly. I mean, I come from a very purple district, but the double standard here is very obvious.
There﹑s two different standards of justice in this country. And, you know, Joe Biden ought to probably have a mugshot when this thing is said and done.
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