

HD smart life camera use guide
bile App Installation
Download and install 365Cam, IOS is downloaded from Apple Store,
android system is searched in GooglePlay. To facilitate the installation,
se scan the QR code below to download 365Cam
your device cannot connect to GooglePlay, please scan the APK QR
de below to download and install.
is recommended to use the browser's own or third-party QR
code scanning software to scan and download the App, WeChat sweep
unction does not support the direct download and installation of App
Android 1
Android 2
Google Play
ote: All permissions must be opened when downloading the app)
Product button and indicator description
ON/OFF: JON key, press the button to turn on; press and hold to tum
off after turning on)
MODE: Press and hold for 5 seconds to restore the factory settings and
disconnect the network connected to the monitor
Charging Indicator (blue): Long light when charging, off when full
Work indicator (red): Blinking long light is on state
過去 31 日間
0 回のレビューがあります
この情報に 0 件のリプライがあります
No response has been written yet. It is recommended to maintain a healthy skepticism towards it.
Automated analysis from ChatGPT
The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
這則訊息中有幾個地方需要閱聽人特別留意: 1. 提到要下載並安裝365Cam應用程式,並提供了掃描QR碼的方式下載。閱聽人需要注意確認下載來源的可信度,以避免下載到惡意軟體或病毒。 2. 訊息提到如果設備無法連接Google Play,可以掃描APK QR碼下載安裝。閱聽人需要謹慎對待透過非官方途徑下載應用程式,以免造成安全風險。 3. 訊息中提到使用瀏覽器或第三方QR碼掃描軟體下載App,但WeChat掃描功能不支援直接下載安裝App。閱聽人需要注意確保下載來源的安全性,以免受到不明來源的應用程式影響。 4. 在產品按鈕和指示燈描述中,提到了不同按鈕的功能和指示燈的狀態。閱聽人在使用相關產品時需要仔細閱讀說明,以確保正確操作和使用。 總之,閱聽人在閱讀這則訊息時應該特別留意下載來源的可信度、避免透過非官方途徑下載應用程式,以及確保正確理解產品的操作說明。
Cofacts の LINE 公式アカウントを追加する
Cofacts の LINE 公式アカウントを追加する
LINE 機器人