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When you were born into this world, a man and a dad, so a dream fulfilled, a dream come true, the answer to the prayer.
Were to them a special child, they gave you joy every time you smiled, it's time you cried, they're at your side to care.
A child you don't know, you'll never know, how far they'd go to give you all their love can give.
They'll see you soon, God it's true, they'd die for you if they must to see you live.
Many seasons came and went, so many years have now been spent, for time ran fast and now at last you're strong.
Now what has gotten over you? You seem to hate your parents too, speak out your mind, why do you find them wrong?
A child you don't know, you'll never know, how far they'd go to give you all their love can give.
They'll see you soon, God it's true, they'd die for you if they must to see you live.
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