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If you look at the Western and the imperialist countries, they come with their own interests.
The vice president of the U.S. came to Zambia, landed at a Chinese-built airport in Zambia,
moved on a Chinese-built road in Zambia. The venue of this summit was actually a gift to Zambia
by the Chinese government, and that is where the Summit for Democracy was held in Zambia.
To tell African people don't work with China. And the key agenda of this summit was to curb
Africa's cooperation with China in a Chinese gift to the African continent. One of our major referral
hospitals in Zambia, which is called Levin Wanawasa Teaching Hospital, was a gift to the Zambian people
by China. But even in Zambia, very few people know that this hospital was a gift. Zambia did
not pay one dollar for that hospital. If you went and saw the little placard that says gift
from the Chinese people, it's the size of an A4 sheet of paper. And this is a massive hospital
that deals with over 2600 referral cases a month. But China is so humble in the way they deal with
us on the African continent. If this was an American gift, it would be reported in media
from the U.S. to Latin America to Europe to Australia. The whole world would know about
this gift to the African continent.
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