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一位友人來自歐洲,疑惑了中國的Zodiac 標誌,,
你中國有什麼Zodiac 標誌?

China's ancestors are very tangible
Our 12 Zodiac signs are paired with each other
The six paths of reincarnation
It embodies our ancestors
The expectations and demands of us Chinese people
The first group is mice and cows
The mouse represents wisdom
Cows represent diligence
Wisdom and diligence are indispensable
Wisdom alone is not diligence
That's just playing tricks
Diligence without thinking
That's foolishness
So the two must be combined
This is also our ancestor
The most important requirement for us Chinese people
So ranking first
The second group is tigers and rabbits
Tigers represent bravery
The rabbit represents caution
Combining bravery and prudence
To be bold and meticulous
Only bravery without prudence
That's recklessness
Blindly cautious
That's cowardice
It is also a very important group
So I ranked second
The third group is dragons and snakes
The dragon represents strength
The snake represents softness
The so-called hard ones are easy to break
Ruwu has her own opinions
So we need to go both hard and soft
This is our ancestral motto throughout history
Next are horses and sheep
Ma represents the courage to move forward
The sheep represent harmony
If a person keeps moving forward courageously
Ignoring the feelings of those around us
That will definitely cause bumps and bumps around
The ultimate goal may not be achieved
And one person blindly seeks to reconcile
He may not even have direction
In the end you will also lose your goal
An unwavering determination
It must be closely combined with harmony and smoothness
This is also the fourth requirement
That our ancestors had for us Chinese people
Next are monkeys and chickens
Monkeys represent flexibility
Chicken represents stability
Flexibility and stability are closely intertwined
If you without stability
Implementing the best plan
In the end there may be no result
On the contrary
Your light is stable
Like a stagnant pool of water
A piece of scrap iron
There won't be our good day today either
The last group is dogs and pigs
Dogs represent loyalty
The pig represents easy going
If a person is too loyal and not easy going
Will be rejected by others
If it's too easy going
Without loyalty
One will lose their principles
After explaining the twelve zodiac signs
Foreign guests who ask questions in reverse
Don't know if you are Taurus, Leo or Andromeda
What expectations did your ancestors have for you
Hope you don't hesitate to ask for advice
The result was a complete silence throughout the room
No one dares to answer
优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
過去 31 日間
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在這則訊息中,有幾個地方需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 關於中國的生肖標誌:訊息中提到中國的生肖標誌是豬、狗和螞蟻,這與實際的中國生肖標誌並不相符。中國的生肖標誌是由老鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗和豬組成的。 2. 關於中國祖先的想法:訊息中描述了中國祖先對於每個生肖的期望和要求,但這些描述並不符合中國文化中對生肖的解釋和意義。 3. 關於外國客人的問題:訊息中提到外國客人問中國人是否是Taurus、Leo或Andromeda,這些是西方星座的名稱,與中國的生肖並無關聯。 閱聽人需要注意這些地方,因為這些描述可能是不正確或誤導性的,可能會對中國文化和生肖的理解造成誤解。在接收到這樣的訊息時,閱聽人應該保持懷疑和批判的態度,並進一步查證相關資訊的正確性。
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