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For example, I can make a large circular rail here.
And when I place the superconducting disk on top of this rail,
it moves freely.
And again, that's not all. I can adjust its position, like this, and rotate,
and it freely moves in this new position.
And I can try, I can even try a new thing. Let's try it for the first time.
I can take this disk and put it here.
And while it stays here, don't move, I will try to rotate the track.
And hopefully, if I did it correctly, it stays suspended.
You see, it's quantum locking, not levitation.
But what is the future of quantum levitation and quantum locking?
Well, let me answer this simple question by giving you an example.
Imagine you would have a disk similar to the one I have here in my hand,
three-inch diameter, with a single difference.
The superconducting layer, instead of being half a micron thin,
being two millimeters thin, quite thin.
This two-millimeter thin superconducting layer could hold 1,000 kilograms.
A small car in my hand.
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