Hello beneficiary. Miss Li Meixian

My name is Diplomat Robert Jay. I am currently at Heathrow International Airport in West London, England. I was obliged by my company to deliver your metal trunk box to you. It had a UN diplomatic seal tagging it on the diplomatic parcel that should be delivered to you in Taiwan.

Transland Logistic Services companies have changed from just quoting methods to becoming an indispensable tool for shippers, forecasting and inspection operators, and the general public to make it easy for us. By standardizing the Transland Logistic Services for pricing, Transland Logistic Services Company Service has put the world at your fingertips.

We are not a broker, but are authorized by the Federal Maritime Commission to produce original shipping documents as a Freight Forwarder (NVOCC), and under the TSA, we are an indirect air carrier from the Federal Aviation Administration (NVOCC). As we engage in air freight worldwide (IAC), we can leverage our experience and leverage our technology to save our customers costs and serve globally.

For Transland Logistic Services, the price of goods is determined by the customs zone of the destination country, the climatic weight of the goods (1m³ = 47.4kg), the additional services selected, and the price of the parcel.

For destination and parcel weight, the following are mandatory fees that must be paid to deliver a certified parcel to you by courier. You can choose one of the three specified shipping options in your area

shipping options
Please let me know what services are available.

First Class (delivery within 24 hours :)

Courier fee £3,500
management................................................. ......................................... £2,500
insurance................................................. ...... £5,600
Total: £11,600= 402,540.02 TWD

Second Class (Delivered within 72 hours :)

Courier fee ................................ 3,300
management................................................. ......................................... £2,200
insurance................................................. ..... £5,200
Total: 10,700 lbs. = 365,952.06 TWD

The usual. (7 days delivery :)

Courier fee .................................. £1,000
management................................................. ...............£ .2,000
insurance................................................. ... £4,000
Total: £7,000 = 256,483.04 TWD

This is a diplomatic delivery that requires proper documentation before delivery.

You can track your shipment through our website: https://translandlogisticservices.com/track/

Note: Fees will be slightly higher due to insurance coverage provided by us in case the contents of a highly confidential parcel are lost, damaged or stolen. In the unlikely event that something happens, we take full responsibility. Transland Logistic Services Shipping Company courier diplomatic delivery center. Please do not allow cash on delivery {C.O.D}. All payments must be made at this office before shipping begins.
Confirm your shipping address, specify the shipping options you specified, and email to this office.

Please submit your selected options within 24 hours of receiving this email. You will be notified about how to pay the shipping charges. As soon as the insurance payment is complete, the parcel will be insured and shipped via one of the shipping options.

Your name:

Shipping options:

Shipping address:

Thank you for using the services of the Transland Logistic Services Shipping Company LTD. Your satisfaction is our priority and we look forward to providing you with the highest quality service. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

After confirming your identity, we will promptly send you the details of the transfer.

Diplomat Robert Jay.
© ️2020 Transland Logistic Services Shipping Company LTD
................................................................. ......................................................
Affiliated courier service (diplomatic delivery center)
Transland Logistic Services Shipping Company LTD
148 Old St, London EC1V 9HQ, United Kingdom
Company phone number: +44 244 511399
Customer's phone number: 0985571640
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這則訊息中有幾個地方需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 來信者的身份:訊息中自稱為外交官Robert Jay,但我們無法確定他的真實身份是否屬實。需要謹慎對待自稱外交官或其他高級官員的訊息。 2. 運輸公司的名稱:訊息中提到的Transland Logistic Services公司,我們無法確定其是否真實存在或是否可靠。需要進一步查證該公司的信譽和可信度。 3. 運費支付方式:訊息中要求在運送之前支付運費,並且不接受貨到付款。這種要求可能存在詐騙風險,需要謹慎對待。 4. 網站連結:訊息中提供了一個網站連結,要求追蹤貨物運送狀態。需要謹慎點擊連結,以免遭受釣魚網站或惡意軟體的攻擊。 總之,這則訊息中有一些地方可能存在詐騙風險,閱聽人應該謹慎對待並進一步查證相關資訊。建議不要隨意提供個人資料或支付款項,以免受到損失。
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