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Oh my god, it's a gigantic, humongous bok choy.
Wow, look at the size of that.
We're going to harvest this cabbage from the aeroponic tower garden here.
Just pull it right out of the groin part.
Here it comes.
Oh my god, look at the size of this thing.
Here it's roots.
Here it comes.
Wow, look at the size of this kohlrabi.
I've never seen one so big.
All right, there's only one way to harvest a zucchini.
Grab it like this, twist and turn, just like that.
Look at this thing.
It's humongous.
All right, here it comes.
Oh my god, it's massive.
It's a big one.
Check out the size of this broccoli.
Here it's roots.
We have a batavia lettuce.
Look at this absolute giant.
And we have the first eggplant of the season that is ready.
Check this out.
Wow, what a beauty.
Italian striped zucchinis will grow really big.
Check out the size of this.
All right, let's begin by harvesting this orange cauliflower from the aeroponic tower.
Pull it out real gently like this.
Here it comes.
Oh my god.
Look how the roots are intact.
This cauliflower is beautiful.
Right here, we are vertical farming 220 spring onions on one aeroponic tower.
Look at these beauties.

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