




March 13th 2020

This was sent to me by my Swiss poet friend Jiang Lizhen. Her father-in-law is a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Beijing, her husband is a western medicine doctor, and her son and daughter-in-law are authoritative of the United Nations Health Organization. The recipe she sent me hopes to be useful to everyone.

Hello Sister Yan Wei!
New coronary pneumonia virus has spread all over the world recently, please be careful and take care!
Attach a recipe for your reference. This is an old formula, which has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of colds and fevers. It is said that when the epidemic is very serious, many people in Beijing use this formula, but they are all safe.

Brown sugar, ginger, green onions, garlic (add more), boil water to drink, drink every day before the epidemic is resolved, the probability of infection with the virus is almost zero!
Everyone share reshares!
This is a personal experience of Nanyang Chinese medicine, according to the recording is as follows:
Now, everyone is very heavy at the mention of Wuhan, but my personal experience will give you a lot of comfort.
I returned to Nanyang from Wuhan on the 22nd of the second month of the lunar month. The next day when I got home, I had fever. I used western medicine and antiviral medicine. The effect was not obvious. I could only control and couldn't heal. On the evening of the eighth day, she suddenly became worse with a severe fever, accompanied by a cough, and iron-colored bloodshot sputum. I knew it was serious this time, and in a hurry, I remembered a recipe my teacher once said. Then they took eight garlics, patted them into pieces, put them in 7 paper cups of water, and boiled them. Two minutes after the water was boiling, I drank two paper cups with slag and water. Then he fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, no fever, my cough was relieved, and my spitting turned white. Now, I drink garlic water twice a day and the whole family drinks it. I have returned to normal. same as before. I only drank it once, it was amazing. Right now, my neighbors drink garlic water. I recommended this recipe to a friend in Wuhan, and they recommended it to a friend in Xinjiang, and the general response was very good.

Why is my herbal tea cooked with onion, ginger, and garlic? This is the reason. They complement each other, cut garlic slices in severe cases, and take them. It is more effective than the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. Our people have a way to save themselves. Traditional Chinese medicine itself serves ordinary people. Little scales weigh a lot, and herbal medicines treat serious illnesses. God bless Chinese medicine with Chinese medicine, overcome the epidemic of hard times!
Welcome to reshare!
@ Everyone
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【錯誤】網傳「武漢的病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好」? 網傳:「武漢的病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好」,經查: 專家指出,武漢肺炎目前沒有針對性的藥物跟疫苗,此偏方並無根據。 因此,此傳言為「錯誤」訊息。 背景 通訊軟體流傳:「好消息,武漢的病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好。老中醫親自試驗過,很多病友也成功了 。八頭大蒜拍碎用七杯水煮熟,連吃帶喝,一晩上就好


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