作者: 桑戴.阿得拉加 (Sunday Adelaja)
Hello Dear Friends,
While we still have access to internet here in Ukraine, since no more telephone communication is possible within Ukraine, I will like to use this opportunity to send out this message to our friends and families all over the world.
Yes, it is true. We are under attacks in Ukraine. We couldn’t believe it for a long time that Russian Federation would attack Ukraine, but alas it has happened. Personally I thought this is not possible but I’m right now in the midst of it. Americans were right…

From my house here Kiev I could hear bombs and loud sounds of shelling. We are in the midst of a total war with Russia.
We stand in faith, we stand in God, we put our trust in his promises, while we hope for the best.
We ask the world to pray for Ukraine
Pray for peace
Pray for Russia
Pray for world leaders
Especially for the president of Russia, Ukraine, USA
Meanwhile, we are staying safe at home, praying and believing God for the best.
Thank you so much everyone for your prayers and support
God bless you richly
For The Love Of God, Church And Nation
Dr. Sunday Adelaja哈囉親愛的朋友們,
是的,是真的。 我們在烏克蘭受到襲擊。 我們很長一段時間都無法相信俄羅斯聯邦會攻擊烏克蘭,但這是發生過的。 我個人認為這是不可能的,但我現在正處於其中。 美國人是對的...

從我家這裡基輔,我可以聽到炸彈和炮擊聲。 我們正處於與俄羅斯的全面戰爭之中。
桑戴.阿得拉加 (Sunday Adelaja)
過去 31 日間
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