"The geese and the speedboat fly together"

A group of wild geese lined up on the lake, flying with the speedboat, interacting closely with tourists on board, and the scene is harmonious.
It is understood that this is a special tourism project launched by the Lanhu Yayougou Scenic Area in Linyi, Shandong since 2019. The wild geese in the video are called gray geese, which belong to artificial breeding, and there are more than 200 of them.
It has been trained as a special tourism project for tourists to have a special experience. One flight in the morning and one in the afternoon each day.
The breeder of this group of wild geese is named Hu Guangyi. From hatching, hatching to birth, he has been accompanying the growth of geese, training them to fly with the yacht. Today, wild geese and speedboats flying together have become a beautiful landscape in the scenic area.
This tourism project that interacts between people and geese makes people physically and mentally happy...
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