I did not know this. I have local honey in my tea. Alwaysusing a metal spoon 🥄 🫣😬😱🐝🍯
Did you know that one of the world's first coins had a bee symbol?
Did you know that honey contains live enzymes?
Did you know that in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die? The best way to eat honey is with a wooden spoon; if you can't find one, use a plastic spoon.
Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps the brain work better?
Did you know that honey is one of the few foods on earth that alone can sustain human life?
Did you know that bees saved people from starvation in Africa?
That a spoonful of honey is enough to keep a man alive for 24 hours?
Did you know that propolis produced by bees is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics?
Did you know that honey has no expiry date because it’s already been digested?
Did you know that the bodies of the world's greatest emperors were buried in gold coffins, then covered in honey to prevent putrefaction?
Did you know that the term "Honeymoon" (honeymoon) comes from the fact that the bride and groom consumed honey for fertility after their marriage?
Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is the work of a lifetime.
Thank you precious bees!
過去 31 日間
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閱聽人需要注意以下幾個地方: 1. 關於蜂蜜的養分和功效:訊息中提到蜂蜜含有活性酵素、對大腦有益、能維持人類生命等說法。這些說法可能需要進一步的科學證據支持,因此閱聽人應保持懷疑態度。 2. 關於蜂蜜的保存和使用方式:訊息中提到使用金屬湯匙會破壞蜂蜜中的酵素,建議使用木製或塑膠湯匙。然而,目前並沒有科學研究證明金屬湯匙會對蜂蜜產生不良影響,因此閱聽人可以對此提醒持保留態度。 3. 關於蜂蜜的保存期限:訊息中提到蜂蜜沒有過期日,因為它已經被消化。然而,蜂蜜實際上可以因為微生物的污染而變質,因此閱聽人應該注意蜂蜜的保存方式和保存期限。 4. 關於蜂蜜的歷史和文化背景:訊息中提到蜂蜜在古代埃及皇帝的葬禮中被用來防止腐敗,以及「蜜月」一詞的由來。這些說法可能是歷史或文化傳說,而非確實的事實,因此閱聽人應保持懷疑態度。 總之,閱聽人應該對訊息中提到的蜂蜜的功效、使用方式和歷史背景保持懷疑態度,並且在需要時尋找更多可靠的資訊來源。
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