Lopez間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lopez さんのリプライを引用しています
(1) 維基百科指出 美國前線醫師組織(America's Frontline Doctors)是一個美國右翼政治團體,專門散播沒有事實根據的 新冠病毒不實謠言。refer [6]
--宣稱用 奎寧,Zithromax,和鋅可以治癒新冠肺炎,
--宣稱所有現行的防疫措施如封城 戴口罩都是沒有必要的。
--成員之一 Stella Immanuel 宣稱用此藥治癒350新冠肺炎患者。並指控不用奎寧治療新冠肺炎的醫生有如坐視納粹屠殺猶太人。
--指控製藥公司資助研究,臨床證明奎寧 治療新冠肺炎無效。
(2) 此片原名叫 “The Truth about CV19 vaccine”. 路透社於 1/21/2021 發表事實查證報告 [1] 指出並沒臨床實驗證據證明 Ivermectin 或奎寧可以有效治療新冠肺炎,新冠疫苗並不會使接種者產生陽性反應;還有WHO自2015年來,便主張不用地名來命名流行感染病。
(3) 除路透社外,今日美國,BBC,美聯社和 PolitiFact 均曾對此團體發表事實查證,指出錯誤。refer [2][3][4][5]
(4) 此組織領導人Simone Gold和通訊組長John Strand都因為參與今年一月的國會攻擊暴動,現正被聯邦起訴中。


- [1] REUTERS: check: COVID-19 vaccines will not make people test positive for the disease
[2] USA TODAY: 'America's Frontline Doctors' may be real doctors, but experts say they don't know what they're talking about
[3] BBC: Hydroxychloroquine: Why a video promoted by Trump was pulled on social media
[4] AP: Video falsely touts hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 cure
[5] POLITIFACT: Fact-checking a video of doctors talking about coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine
[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America's_Frontline_Doctors

Hydroxychloroquine: Why a video promoted by Trump was pulled on social media

The anti-malaria drug promoted by President Trump as a treatment for Covid-19 is again at the centre of a political storm.


Video falsely touts hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 cure

CLAIM: A video makes numerous claims about preventing the coronavirus, stating that hydroxychloroquine can prevent and cure COVID-19, and wearing masks and keeping people locked down have no value.  A


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