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美國FDA最近禁止了日本輻射食品進口?老謠言又翻新 - iFuun

較真鑒定:謠言 要點: 1、2015年這個謠言已經大規模流傳過,實際上,這根本不是新發布的禁令,而是FDA對2011年就有的「進口警報」進行了修訂,目的是對某些產品解除警報。謠言是在混淆視聽。 2、這次謠言「捲土重來」,傳播技巧非常高明,不僅假借權威,還利用了人們的一知半解和恐慌。對類似的謠言應予以警惕。 查證者:丁陽 近日,公號「自在堂」發布的一篇關於「美國FDA禁止日本輻射食品


From a Japanese food Lover today:

FDA bans import of Japanese food.
It's OFFICIAL now from FDA, USA - No more Japanese food on your table unless you want to be a walking battery.

美國食品藥品管理局FDA 7月28日2015 發佈的第99-33進口警示,禁止下列日本食品進入美國:鮮奶、黃油、奶粉、嬰兒奶粉、及其它乳製品;蔬菜、及其製品;大米、全麥;魚類;肉類和禽類;蛤蜊類;海膽;柑橘柚類水果;奇異果。原因是核污染 (Radionuclide contamination)。看到的不要吃了!


Please look carefully into the above link of alarming alert report together with the LONG list of contaminated and/or radioactive vegetables, fruits, seafoods, mushrooms, etc.

It baffles us most why folks are still going to Japan for holidays & eating 'real good authentic Japanese contaminated or radioactive foods' risking their lives and health just because of cheaper prices and lower exchange rates!

Dying is one thing, but dying slowly under prolonged and painful sufferings from cancers and subsequent treatments is one hell of aspects to consider and avoid in all probabilities or possibilities!

I have been giving out warnings about this for the past four years since The Incident occurred in Japan ! !


From a Japanese food Lover today:

FDA bans import of Japanese food.
It's OFFICIAL now from FDA, USA - No more Japanese food on your table unless you want to be a walking battery.

美國食品藥品管理局FDA 7月28日2015 發佈的第99-33進口警示,禁止下列日本食品進入美國:鮮奶、黃油、奶粉、嬰兒奶粉、及其它乳製品;蔬菜、及其製品;大米、全麥;魚類;肉類和禽類;蛤蜊類;海膽;柑橘柚類水果;奇異果。原因是核污染 (Radionuclide contamination)。看到的不要吃了!


Please look carefully into the above link of alarming alert report together with the LONG list of contaminated and/or radioactive vegetables, fruits, seafoods, mushrooms, etc.

It baffles us most why folks are still going to Japan for holidays & eating 'real good authentic Japanese contaminated or radioactive foods' risking their lives and health just because of cheaper prices and lower exchange rates!

Dying is one thing, but dying slowly under prolonged and painful sufferings from cancers and subsequent treatments is one hell of aspects to consider and avoid in all probabilities or possibilities!

I have been giving out warnings about this for the past four years since The Incident occurred in Japan ! !


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