Wei Liu Lin間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
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醫學上有Allen's Test 用以評估橈動脈的血流是否順暢,決定是否可以進行橈動脈的穿刺。文中提到「鬆開拳頭后需要比較長的時間才能恢復原狀,一般超過5秒,嚴重的超過10秒,說明你的血管彈性不佳,要小心動脈硬化和三高問題。」這是明顯的錯誤推論。周邊血液循環跟體溫、當下的新陳代謝率、四肢的溫度...等因素都有關,不可直接與血管彈性劃上等號。



Allen's test - Wikipedia

In medicine, Allen's test or the Allen test is a medical sign used in physical examination of arterial blood flow to the hands. It was named for Edgar Van Nuys Allen, who described the original versio


Peripheral Circulation and Its Control Mechanism

AbstractThe peripheral circulation is concerned with the transport of blood, blood flow distribution, exchange between blood and tissue, and storage of blood (venous system). It comprises the systemic


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