Lopez間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lopez さんのリプライを引用しています
1. 並沒有臨床實證指出,維他命C對於抵抗冠狀病毒的保護。此部分為假。
2. 分子矯正醫學 Ortho Molecular Medicine 是一種另類醫學,沒有醫學實證,療效也不明顯,能不能稱為醫學都很有爭議。(詳見維基[1])
《orthomolecular medicine are not supported by sound medical evidence, and the therapy is not effective; even the validity of calling the orthomolecular approach a form of medicine has been questioned since the 1970s.》
3. 追求還沒有經過科學驗證的另類治療 而延遲了經過科學驗證的正規治療,可能會發生危險。



Orthomolecular medicine - Wikipedia

Orthomolecular medicine[1][2] is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation. The concept builds on the idea of an optimal nutritional environ

【國際分子矯正醫學會總會 即時新聞稿 ISOM Immediate Press Release 】



(1) 維他命C : 每天3克或以上。
(2) 維他命D3 : 每天125微克(5000IU)持續兩週,兩週之後維持每天50微克(2000IU)
(3) 鋅:每天20毫克
(4) 鎂:每天400毫克(除了氧化鎂之外的形式)
(5) 硒:每天100微克



【ISOM Immediate Press Release 】
 "Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus"

In response to the government's passive measures such as masks, hand washing and going out, government officials from the Canadian headquarters of the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine, my chairman, issued a statement on how to prevent groundbreaking new coronavirus infection. , Published by nutrition experts in 40 countries, including me.
There is a great deal of clinical evidence that taking supplements to improve the body's antioxidant capacity and immune function can help prevent or reduce the onset of respiratory viral infections.
(1) Vitamin C: 3g or more per day
(2) Vitamin D3: 125 μg (5,000 IU) per day for 2 weeks
維持 After that, keep at 50μg (2,000IU)
(3) Zinc: 20 mg per day
(4) Magnesium: 400 mg per day (other than magnesium oxide)
(5) Selenium: 100 μg / day
In my experience, (1) and (2) alone are sufficient. Please share by all means.
The original text of this statement follows:http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml
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