Lin間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lin さんのリプライを引用しています
假的,美國商務部長Gina Raimondo不曾發言表示,「美國捐贈的250萬劑莫德納疫苗是台積電要求給的」;而台積電所購買的疫苗一直鎖定BNT,並非與moderna疫苗有關。

白宮發言人莎琪(Jen Psaki)也在2021年6月29日的記者會中,公開否認有關「以晶片換疫苗」的說法。




Q. And there’s this critical meeting today on this sort of, you know, trade council with Taiwan. Is there any suggestion at all that the U.S. decision to provide as many vaccine doses as were provided to Taiwan is in some way a quid pro quo to get access to semiconductors from Taiwan?

MS. PSAKI: There should not be that suggestion. I will note that they were being cut off from access to vaccines. So that was a factor.


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