Lopez正しい情報が含まれています と考えています
Lopez さんのリプライを引用しています
1. 這篇報導是真的。原來自 CNN 報導 2020/1/17:“Flu has killed 39 children this season, but virus activity continues to decline”。
2. 全美已有1300万人感染,造成死亡人数高达6600人,指的是所有感冒患者,每年大多如此。譬如 2017-18, 美國有 4500萬人得到感冒,81 萬人住院治療,6萬1千人死亡。


1 CNN:Flu has killed 39 children this season, but virus activity continues to decline
2. CDC:Estimated Influenza Burden chart

Flu has killed 39 children this season, but virus activity continues to decline

(CNN)Flu activity in the United States declined in the week ending January 11, according to new data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was the second consecutive week that saw


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