Lopez個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
Lopez さんのリプライを引用しています
美國豬肉供應商逐漸不用瘦肉精的主要原因是國際市場,尤其是中國患豬瘟疫以後,國際市場對不含瘦肉精的豬肉需求大增。refer [1]
美國80%豬肉不用瘦肉精,可參考台灣農委會主委 陳吉仲接受 公視有話好說專訪時 的說詞。 refer[2]

Opinion Sources

[1] https://www.smithfieldfoods.com/integrated-report/2015/animal-care/ractopamine
[2] https://youtu.be/mq6OgP0GXpU?t=120

Ractopomine | 2015 Sustainability & Financial Report | Smithfield Foods, Inc. Meat Products | Smithfield Foods Company USA

Ractopamine is a safe and effective U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved feed supplement that has been used by hog and beef producers for many years to produce leaner meat more efficiently


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