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Opinion Sources

溫度醫學與生理學 (2018),只有有心血管疾病才會需要注意冷熱控制

國際運動營養學會雜誌 (2012),健康的人核心溫度升高時喝冷水無負面影響,但正面影響也無

Cardiovascular diseases, cold exposure and exercise

Both acute and prolonged cold exposure affect cardiovascular responses, which may be modified by an underlying cardiovascular disease. In addition, exercise in a cold environment increases cardiovascu


The effect of a cold beverage during an exercise session combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Background Although studies have investigated the effects of hydration on performance measures, few studies have investigated how the temperature of the ingested liquid affects performance and core te


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