Lopi個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
Lopi さんのリプライを引用しています
(1)原文見於美國 USA Today新聞網站,是可信的報導。參考[1]
(5)除了模擬程式外,政府也常常參考世界各地的類似疫情 來預測本地未來的疫情。譬如說,南非Omicron經過短暫高峰後,便急速下降,歐美國家也期望他們的Omicron疫情會跟南非一樣,尖峰短暫,下降急速。

Opinion Sources

[1]USA Today: Omicron may bring 140M new COVID infections to US in the next two months
[2]紐約時報 Coronavirus in the U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html

'Enormous spread of omicron' may bring 140M new COVID infections to US in the next two months, model predicts

Outside the US, IHME models show the world may see approximately 3 billion new infections in the next two months, with a peak of 35 million per day.


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