uienwt間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
uienwt さんのリプライを引用しています
這是假的,國際間也有流傳這樣的謠言圖片,世界衛生組織 WHO 也否認「定期用鹽水沖洗鼻子可預防新的冠狀病毒感染」的謠言說法,另外除了沒有任何根據說「會在喉嚨中停留四天」之外,醫師也表示用醋無法預防呼吸道感染,甚至會過度刺激黏膜。


*Zhong Nanshan* (a Chinese pulmonologist who discovered the SARS coronavirus in 2003) suggested simple ways to prevent Wuhan pneumonia:

It is recommended that you rinse your throat with light salt water before going to the hospital or other public places (and do the same after you return home). The method is as follows:

a) hold a mouthful of dilute salt water;
b) raise your head; let the salt water stay around your throat area
c) open your mouth slightly and exhale slowly, let air bubbling through the water in your throat and make a "ha" sound
d) spit out the salt water after a few seconds
e) repeat 3-5 times

Because viruses or bacteria lurk in the pharynx through the nasal passage, diluted salt water can kill them on the spot, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing infection. During SARS, I promoted and supervised this method among my students. As a result, none of our students in our class got cold, cough and fever.

This method is simple, effective, easy to do. But requires persevere.

Zhong Nanshan
January 21, 2020


建議各位去醫院或其他公共場合之前用淡鹽水漱一下嚥喉部位,回家後再漱一次。 方法是:含一口淡鹽水——仰起頭,讓鹽水處於咽喉部——微微張開口,讓氣流從咽喉部慢慢呼出,發出「哈」的聲音,這時鹽水會隨著氣流緩緩動起來,幾秒鐘後將水吐掉。 然後含第二口水如上反復,漱3-5次即可。

由於病毒或細菌首先通過鼻腔潛伏于咽部,淡鹽水可以在第一時間殺滅它們,從而達到預防感染的目的。 SARS期間我在學生中推廣、督促,結果我們班學生沒有一人感冒、咳嗽、發燒。


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